1. Improve your endurance to work out harder & longer
Endurance is one of the key factors when it comes to sport performance. According to reasearch, young men who drank a sugar-free beverage with caffeine (ie. coffee) an hour before working out were able to work out for a longer period of time and do more reps without getting exhausted than they did when they drank the same beverage without the caffeine.
2. Improve your focus & accuracy
When it comes to many sports, accuracy is key. Researchers found that soccer players were able to dribble, head, and kick the ball with greater precision and agility after drinking caffeine. Caffeine not only made them more alert, it also improved their fine motor skills. I guess you can now transfer that to your sport and see the advantages you would get from drinking a cup of STRNG before a workout, a practice, a game or a competition.
3. Pain reduction
Research from the University of Georgia, published in the March 2007 issue of The Journal of Pain reported that a caffeine dose equivalent to two or three cups of coffee taken one hour prior to a half-hour-long workout reduced the participants’ level of perceived muscle pain. Coffee will allow you to push yourself just a bit harder, which is important during high intensity exercises.
4. Reducing post-workout soreness
A solid and fast recovery to your muscles & body is essential to making sure you excel on a consistent basis. In the same University of Georgia publication mentioned above, researchers found consuming the equivalent of two cups of coffee an hour before training reduced post-workout muscle soreness by up to 48 percent.
Source : http://www.girlmeetsstrong.com